Monday, August 27, 2012

28. Animal Farm by George Orwell

The classic. I've read this very important book three times. Its message inspiring me every time. Imploring me to never be naive when a government gets out of line. Every time I read this I think about how the subject matter takes place so often after revolutions. Over and over the party taking over from an oppressive government becomes even more oppressive. Corrupted by power. This book is a constant reminder to the populace to aways stay vigilant. Never fall victim to propaganda and deception.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

27. Love, Lies, and Basketball by Rita Rashad

The elements of a great story are present.  It just go too soap operish.  It was difficult too even finish this book.  The story just didn't ring true.   Too much deus ex machina.  Too much drama thrown throughout the book. Its like come on.  Kendra is a dog throughout the whole book making the same mistake over and over.   I truly believe there's a good story somewhere inside this book.

26. Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer by John Grisham

This is a nice story about the "kid lawyer."  It is interesting and very realistic.  You can actually see everything in the story happening in real life.  A story must keep you interested and Theodore Boone keeps you wanting to turn the page to see what happens next.  John Grisham is a great story teller.  Even though the book was good not sure if I want to continue reading the rest in the series.  It just seem like everyone has a series of books.  I might read the second one but if it's bad then I'm done.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

25. Love at Half-Court by Rita Rashad

This book had the major elements needed to make a good story but Rashad couldn't quite put it together to make it flow. She inspires me because more stories like this need to be made maybe by me:)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

24. She Say, She Say by Olivia Renee Wallace

Page turner.  The most important element a story can have is the ability to keep my attention.  Keep me wondering whats next.  She Say, She Say accomplished this.  Sure there were moments in the narrative that I didn't like but the story never lost my interest.  I wish some things where done different some characterizations done differently so that the ending did not seem plucked out of the sky so much.  Overall good read.

23. Shooter by Walter Dean Myers

Shooter is a great story told in a unconventional way through a series of interviews.  Through the interviews the picture is created of the events that led to a school shooting by the hands of a troubled young man.  The interviews center on his only friends as they tell the events that led up to the shooting.  I like the story it was interesting.  The diary at the end was a bit much wish it would have been shorter or it could have just been a suicide note.